Auction 46 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art

Yam Shel Shlomo – Malbim's Signature

Opening: $500
Yam Shel Shlomo, on Tractate Gittin, by Rabbi Shlomo Luria – the Maharshal. Berlin, [1761].
Signature on the first title page: Rabbi "Meir Leibush Malbim --- ----".
Rabbi Meir Leibush Malbim – Rabbi Meir Leibush ben Yechiel Michel, (1809-1880, Otzar HaRabbanim 13090) – Renowned Bible commentator and foremost leader of his times, proficient in revealed and hidden Torah (studied kabbalah from Rabbi Zvi Hirsh of Zhidachov). In his youth, he wrote "Artzot HaChaim" on the Shulchan Aruch which received an enthusiastic approbation of the Chatam Sofer who proclaimed the Malbim an exceptional Torah genius.
In all the Malbim's rabbinical positions (Wreschen, Kempen, Bucharest, Kherson, Lencziza, Mogilev and Königsberg), he was renowned for his uncompromising opposition to the "modernists", maskilim and Reform Judaism, which caused him much suffering. During the time he served in the Bucharest rabbinate, he led the resistance against the city's maskilim who retaliated by spreading a blood libel about the Malbim instigating his imprisonment and death sentence. Only after Sir Moses Montefiore intervened on his behalf was his sentence altered to expulsion from Romania.
the spreading of Haskala motivated the Malbim to devote his skills and time writing a systematic commentary on the Bible explaining the depth of Chazal's wisdom and the truth of the Oral Torah initiating his famous commentary on the Bible which was accepted in all the Jewish diaspora and merited hundreds of editions.
[1], 84 leaves. 33 cm. Very poor condition, major wear damages, worming and wear to text, fungus stains and dampness marks. Unbound.
Signatures and Dedications
Signatures and Dedications