Auction 21 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture

Transfer Agreement - Two Posters, 1930s

Opening: $4,500
Two posters concerning the Transfer Agreement which was signed in 1933 between Nazi Germany and the Jewish Agency, aimed at transferring the possessions of Jews from Germany to Eretz Israel. The Transfer Agreement led to an extreme conflict in the Jewish Yishuv and in the Diaspora, mainly about the moral question of negotiating with the Nazis and the economic profits stemming from this agreement. On one side of the barricade stood the Mapai party that controlled the Jewish agency and led the agreement and on the other side stood the Revisionist movement who opposed unequivocally to the agreement.
1. "Do not touch the transfer!" "Ha'aretz" printing.
"The Zionist Congress in Luzerne confirmed the transfer. Irresponsible party members are trying to turn the agreement into a means for a political war. Eretz Israel is the sole hope of German Jews and the transfer is their only last bridge. Does the tragedy of German Jews have to serve as a means for the Revisionist who excluded themselves from the Zionist Congress? Jews! Do you wish to assist them and sacrifice German Jews!... therefore, no responsible and disciplined Zionist should participate in the referendum about the 'transfer'. Prove your practical consideration and political maturity". 61X92 cm. Good condition. Staining, restored tears.
2. "Open the Gates of Eretz Israel for German Immigrants", an illustrated poster in color, issued by "Ha'avara" a trustees office Ltd. "Omanut Eretz Israel" printing press, Buki advertising, Tel-Aviv. "Arrival of German Jews and rescuing their property will be guaranteed only if, when you buy German Marks ask for the bank certificate confirming, that the Marks are of the German Jews' retrieved money!" 67X96.5 cm. Good condition. Staining, restored tears. Both posters are linen-backed for display and conservation.
Holocaust and She'erit Ha-Pleita
Holocaust and She'erit Ha-Pleita