Auction 70 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art

Siach HaSadeh - Shklow, 1787 - Only Edition - With Approbation by R. Avigdor Rabbi of Pinsk, Opponent of Chassidism Who Caused the Imprisonment of Baal HaTanya

Opening: $500
Siach HaSadeh, homilies on the Torah, by R. Eliezer HaLevi, the Maggid of Pinsk. Shklow, [1787]. Only edition.
An acrostic poem by the author, forming his name "Eliezer ben Meir HaLevi", on p. 2b. The last leaves contain: homily for Sukkot; eulogy for R. Aharon HaLevi "Head of the beit din and posek in Kraków", delivered on Erev Rosh Chodesh Adar II 1786; homily for drought; homily for death of children.
The author, R. Eliezer son of R. Meir HaLevi, the Maggid of Pinsk (d. after 1795), rabbi of Chomsk in the early 1780s. In the mid-1790s, he settled in Pinsk and served as rabbi of a kloiz, posek and maggid. R. Eliezer was the grandfather of the first Slonim Rebbe, R. Avraham Weinberg, author of Yesod HaAvodah.
In the past, some researchers erroneously identified the author as R. Eliezer HaLevi "Rosh HaYeshiva", Rabbi of Pinsk, mechutan of R. Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev and grandfather of R. Yisrael of Ruzhin, who was venerated by R. Aharon HaGadol of Karlin and R. Pinchas of Korets (see: R. Abish Schorr, Ketavim, Jerusalem 2018, pp. 320-325, 371, 754-755). However, recently it became clear that two people with the name Eliezer HaLevi lived in Pinsk, and that the author of this book is R. Eliezer of Chomsk (see: R. Binyamin Panteliat, Beit Aharon VeYisrael, 155, pp. 147-158).
The book includes an approbation by R. Avigdor Rabbi of Pinsk, one of the biggest adversaries of Chassidism in Lithuania and Belarus. R. Avigdor served as rabbi of Pinsk between 1785-1793, succeeding R. Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev, who was dismissed in 1785 due to the bans of the Mitnagdim against the Chassidim. In 1800, R. Avigdor was among the informers to the Russian government against Chassidism and against the Baal HaTanya, causing his second imprisonment at the end of that year. The Baal HaTanya wrote harshly against him: "I cannot anymore endure his blasphemy, humiliations and lies. He fabricates slander…" (Igrot Kodesh of the Baal HaTanya, Brooklyn 2012, p. 293); "Ben Chaim (=Avigdor son of R. Yosef Chaim - Chaimowitz in Russian) by his slander, is the cause of my hardships. In my old age, I have been taken from my home under heavy guard as if I was one of the worse criminals and sent to St. Petersburg…" (ibid, p. 299); "…In Pinsk… he leased the rabbinate, and at the end of the lease he was refused renewal, since he forcefully collected more money than was his due and because they knew that he was accustomed to drinking alcoholic beverages…" (ibid, p. 301); "…I can say this honestly and swear to this" (ibid, p. 305).
The author of this book is the only rabbi of his generation who requested an approbation from R. Avigdor. His second book, Re'ach HaSadeh (Shklow, 1795), also included an approbation by R. Avigdor. (See: Encyclopedia HaIvrit, I, p. 137; R. David Tzvi Hillman, Igrot Baal HaTanya UVenei Doro, Jerusalem 1953, pp. 125-133, 142-144, 149-150; Igrot Kodesh of the Baal HaTanya, Brooklyn 2012, pp. 303-306, and in the index).
Signatures in Sephardic script (Aleppo): "Meir Sultan", "Midrash of the wealthy Chalfon Atiya".
132; 29 leaves. 33 cm. Fair condition. Stains. Worming (restored). Tears and damages to title page and to many leaves, some affecting text (repaired with paper, with completion of missing text). New leather binding.
Stefansky Chassidut, no. 576.
Chassidic Books
Chassidic Books