Auction 8 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Responsum of Rabbi Yomtov Tzahalon – Venice, 1694 – Includes Index

Opening: $400
Book of Responsum by Rabbi Yomtov Tzahalon (Maharitatz). Venice, [1694]. First edition.
Includes drawings of the Mishkan and Beit Hamikdash, sketch of the third Beit Mikdash based on the prophet Yechezkel, drawings of the vessels of he Mishkan.
This copy includes the three pages which do not appear in most of the copies, including "Introduction to the Book's Indexes", and indexes by RAbbbi Shlomo ben R' Yishaya Nitza (Tola'at Shani), however, in this copy, they are attached in the book's beginning rather than at its end.
Rabbi Yomtov Tzhalon (1558-1638) was born in Safed, to a rabbinic family of Spanish origin. Disciple of Rabbi Yosef Karo and Rabbi Moshe Mitrani (the Mabit). From "the second class" of the Arizal's disciples. He received rabbinic ordination from Rabbi Moshe Alsheich. He himself gave rabbinic ordination to Rabbi Aharon Berachya of Modina. He served as a rabbinic emissary in Italy and Holland, Egypt and Istanbul, and also as a dayan and Rosh Yeshiva in Safed.
[4], [5], 223, 25 leaves. Incorrect counting of pages. Good condition. Unoriginal binding.
Talmud, Halachah and Mishnayot
Talmud, Halachah and Mishnayot