Auction 14 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Rare Leaves – Eastern Countries

Opening: $150
Sold for: $188
Including buyer's premium
1. “Kol Sason Ve-Kol Simcha”, a poem in honor of “The fine groom, Eliyahu Hadaya”. Poem’s acronym is: Moshe Chazak Ve-Ematz. [Aram-Tzova, no date and location mentioned].
2. “Seder Ha-Mishmara” – to be said before the Parasha and the Nevi’im. [Cairo, c. 1935]. Yechezkel Ezra and Avraham Chaim Dayan print (lithographic print).
3. Seder Tashlich, published by Rabbi Chai son of Eliyahu Shtruch. Tunis, 1887. (15 pages, uncut sheet).
Varying sizes and condition.
Books Printed in the East
Books Printed in the East