Online Auction 019 – Jewish and Israeli History, Art and Culture

Non-Traditional Yiddish Haggadah – Tel-Aviv, 1941 – Pictures of Jews under the Nazi Occupation, from "The Black Album"

Opening: $200
Haggadah Fun Der Itztiker Tzeit, Satire [Contemporary Haggadah, Satire], by P. (Pyttel) Shmuelevitz. With early pictures of Jews during the Holocaust from "The Black Album" published by the Anti-Nazi League. Tel-Aviv: Liga, 1941. Yiddish.
A satirical Haggadah telling the story of the Zionist settlement of Palestine in the face of the suffering and subjugation of life in exile. The Haggadah, divided and organized according to the traditional Passover Haggadah, refers to many events that occurred in Palestine and to the political disputes between the leaders of the various Zionist movements and organizations as well as to Nazi Germany and the Holocaust. The Haggadah emphasizes the importance of the Zionist Yishuv in Palestine in light of anti-Semitism in Europe and the duty of the Jewish nation to arm and defend itself in Palestine.
Beside the text, several pictures of Jews in ghettoes and Nazi camps were printed. The pictures were taken from "The Black Album" – a postcard binder published by the Anti-Nazi League containing a most early, maybe even a first of its kind, visual publication of the Nazi atrocities in Europe and especially in occupied Poland.
24 pp. 17 cm. Good condition. A few stains, creases and blemishes. Stains, tears and open tears to the cover (affecting the text and the picture). Detached cover.
Passover Haggadot
Passover Haggadot