Auction 8 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Manuscript of Chidushei Rabbi Yonatan Eibshitz – Metz, 1742

Opening: $3,500
Manuscript of Chidushei Rabbi Yonatan Eibshitz – Halacha Sermons from the period he was in Metz [1742-1750]. Includes the first sermon he delivered as rabbi in Mitz, sermon from the Shabbat before Passover, and Sermon from Shabbat Chol Hamo'ed Passover, and more.
Rabeinu Yonatan Eibshitz served in the rabbinate of the city Metz in the years 1742-1750, and later served as Rabbi in Altoona, until his passing in 1764. Most of his novellae were published based on the writings of his disciples, who used to write down his deep sermons and classes.
The handwriting which we see has been identified (based on careful comparison to photocopies of handwriting) as the writing of his disciple, the famous Rabeinu Yedidya Tiya Weill, Rabbi of Karlsroa [1722-1806, son of the Korban Netanel], who studied under him during the Metz period and is considered on of R' Yonatan's leading disciples. The words are written as he heard the, as they were said, and they were written in the lifetime of R' Yonatan.
32 pages, 21 cm. Good condition. New leather binding.