Auction 46 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art

Likutei Amarim Tanya – Slavita, 1796 – First Edition

Opening: $15,000
Likutei Amarim [Tanya], Sefer shel Benonim – Sha'ar HaYichud V'HaEmuna, by Rebbe Shneur Zalman of Liadi. Slavita, [1796. Printed by Rabbi Moshe Shapira]. Approbation by Rabbi Meshulam Zusha of Annopol and Rabbi Yehuda Leib HaCohen.
First edition of the first Chassidic book with the teachings of the Admor HaZaken Rebbe Shneur Zalman of Liadi who was one of the leading disciples of the Magid of Mezritch (who was a disciple of the Ba'al Shem Tov) and leader of the Chassidic movement in Russia and in Lithuania. He is referred to as Ba'al HaTanya after his book. Sefer HaTanya is the rudimentary book of Chabad Chassidism and of Chassidism in general. It is studied in all circles as a basic book on faith and service of G-d.
the book was first distributed in handwritten copies but after the mitnagdim intentionally spread false copies, the rebbe decided to print it and to prohibit copying it for five years. In less than forty years afterward, the Tanya was reprinted in over ten editions in Russian and Polish printing presses, and from that time, it has been printed in thousands of editions all over the world, even underground printings during the war, under Communist rule in Russia and in Arabic countries.
Leading Rebbes of all times lauded the importance and special segula of the Tanya. Rabbi Zusha of Annopol, who wrote an approbation for this first edition, writes: "With the Sefer HaTanya we will go out to greet Mashiach". Rabbi Yehuda Leib HaCohen, who wrote the second approbation said that the Tanya is like "incense" – a segula and cure for all the illnesses of the generation preceding Mashiach. When the book reached the hands of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdychiv, he wonderingly announced: "A great wonder how such a powerful awesome G-d can enter such a small book…". the Magid of Kosienice said: "Sefer HaTanya is from Gan Eden".
Many segulot have been attributed to studying this book and even just owning it. Rabbi Zusha of Annopol and Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdychiv used to carry it with them at all times. the Chabad Rebbe instructed taking it during travels as a segula for protection and salvation. Studying this book is said to be a segula to prevent foreign thoughts, for strengthening faith, for blessing and success and salvation.
At the beginning of Part 1 is the author's introduction, unsigned. His name is also not mentioned on the title page or in the approbations, only on the title page of later editions, from the 1814 Shklow edition, with the exception of a few editions.
the book is divided into two parts. Part 1: Book of intermediates (responses to many questions always asked…and proper counsel for all difficulties in G-d's service). Part 2: Education of the young…based on the first paragraph of Kriyat Shema. At the top of the pages of Part 2: Sha'ar HaYichud V'Ha'emuna.
At the top of the pages: Likutei Amarim and Sha'ar HaYichud V'Ha'emuna. Later editions were called Tanya [titled after the first word of the book].
[3], 4-86 leaves. Most of the title page and the last two leaves are partially lacking, and have been professionally reconstructed by photocopy on matching paper. Restorations and reconstruction of margins of several other leaves. 17 cm. Bluish paper. Current condition: good-fair, stains and restored damages. Elaborate leather binding.
Stefansky Chassidut, no. 622.
Chabad Chassidism - Books and Objects, Manuscripts and Letters
Chabad Chassidism - Books and Objects, Manuscripts and Letters