Auction 70 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art

Esh Dat - Rabbi David Nieto - London, 1715 - Signatures of Rabbi David ben Petachia Lida and Rabbi Wolf Heidenheim

Opening: $500
Esh Dat, "Zeal of G-d… [attacking] Nechemia Chiya Hayyun, who transgresses, undermines and uproots the principles of our Torah", by R. David Nieto. London: Thomas Ilive, 1715.
A polemic book comprising two "debates" against the Sabbatean movement and against the Sabbatean Nechemia Hayyun of Amsterdam.
Rabbi David Nieto (1654-1728), brilliant in Torah and in science. Dayan, orator and doctor in Livorno, and later the first rabbi to the Sephardi community in London. Author of Kuzari II and Mateh Dan. One of the strongest opponents of Sabbateanism.
Nechemia Chiya Hayyun (1655-ca. 1730), a Sabbatean sage and kabbalist, probably the most prominent Sabbatean after Sabbatai Zevi’s death.
Signature at top of title page: "David, the small one, son of R. Petachia… of Lviv" - R. David son of R. Petachia Lida, a Torah scholar in Frankfurt am Main. R. Petachia was the son of R. David Lida of Amsterdam. The latter left Amsterdam towards the end of his life, and passed away in Lviv. His son R. Petachia, was "head and leader" of the Lviv community, rabbi of Yas (Iaşi) and other cities, and later settled in Frankfurt am Main. His son R. David, who signed here, published together with his father R. Petachia, the book Yad Kol Bo by his grandfather, in Frankfurt am Main, 1727.
Another signature on the title page: "Wolf Heidenheim" - the signature of R. Ze’ev Wolf Heidenheim (1757-1832), renowned commentator, grammarian and Masorah researcher. In his printing press in Rödelheim, he printed his books on Hebrew grammar, his Masorah-accurate chumashim, and his famous machzorim - Sefer Kerovot, in which he contributed much to the research and preservation of the piyutim of the Ashkenazi communities. (The Chatam Sofer praised his books. The Chatam Sofer brings the commentaries and corrections of "HaChacham R. Wolf Heidenheim" many times in his sermons and writings).
[1], 38 leaves. (Without Spanish translation of the book, Es Dat: ò Fuego Legal, which was printed with it). 16 cm. Slightly darkened paper. Good condition. Stains. Margins trimmed, affecting headings of several leaves. Stamps on title page and final leaf. New leather binding.
British and American Jewry
British and American Jewry