Auction 51 Part I - Books Chassidism Manuscripts Rabbinical Letters

Collection of Letters - From the Archives of the Chief Rabbis Rabbi Uziel and Rabbi Unterman

Opening: $400
Sold for: $938
Including buyer's premium
Large collection of letters (more than 90 letters), from the archives of the Chief Rabbis, Rabbi Ben Zion Chai Uziel and Rabbi Isser Yehuda Unterman.
Letters to Rabbi Uziel by various rabbis and persons - c. 1940s-1950s:
· Three letters by Rabbi Tuvia Yehuda Temyomi Av Beit Din of Sochocin, Poland and from Tel Aviv rabbis. · Responsum by Chief Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Herzog. · Interesting letter by Rabbi Ya'akov Neiman, Head of the Or Yisrael Yeshiva in Petach Tikva, Tevet 1947. · Letter by Rabbi Matityahu Ze'ev Shteigel, Head of the Beit Yosef Yeshiva in Bnei Brak. · Letter by Rabbi Yosef Zvi HaLevi, Av Beit Din of Jaffa. · More letters by various rabbis and other people, and letters by Rabbi Uziel.
Letters to Rabbi Unterman and from him - England and Eretz Israel, c. 1920s-1960s:
· Letters in Hebrew and in English, from Rabbis from Eretz Israel, England and Europe, Knesset Members, public figures and judges, English communities and Jewish organizations. [Some letters are about Jewish refugees from Austria and Germany in the 1940s]. · Many letters in Hebrew and in English, handwritten and signed by Rabbi Unterman. · Torah novelae and drafts of letters handwritten by Rabbi Unterman.
More than 90 items, size and condition vary. Most in good condition.
Archives and Ledgers of Communities and Institutions
Archives and Ledgers of Communities and Institutions