Auction 14 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Collection of Books and Printed Items – Rabbi Aharon Mendel HaCohen

Opening: $220
A collection of books and printed items by Rabbi Aharon Mendel (HaRe'em) HaCohen Rabbi of Cairo.
Klilat Chatanim, on matters of eirusin and nisu'in. Cairo, [1910]. *HaKadish, laws and customs, with Yiddish translation. Cairo, 1919. *HaNeshama V'HaKaddish. Jerusalem, 1921. *Kuntress Agunot. Cairo, 1924. *Evel Mitzrayim, a collection of homiletics, Part 2. Cairo. [After 1908]. *Printed photograph of the Re'em HaCohen, "a photograph of our leader… who gathered the Gedolei Yisrael to establish the Beit Din HaGadol in Jerusalem". *Maranan V'Rabanan – a printed proclamation by The Re'em HaCohen that calls for establishing the Beit Din HaGadol in Jerusalem. [Cairo, 1923].
Rabbi Aharon Mendel HaCohen (1866-1927), Torah genius and author. He was the Ashkenazi rabbi of Cairo for 30 years and called to renew the semicha. See Item 581.
Total of 7 items. Varied size and condition.
Books Printed in the East
Books Printed in the East