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Collection of Paper Items and Aerial Photographs from the Time of the War of Independence – 1947-1948 – Aerial Photographs of Strategic Sites

Collection of printed paper items and aerial photographs from the time of the War of Independence. Israel [1947-1948].
* Seven aerial photographs: the "Latrun Fort" police station, the area of the "Ganim" military camp in Ramat-Gan (today, the "Maklef Camp"), Hayarkon Bridge; the Sarona colony, and more. Presumably, they were taken by the Israeli Intelligence Corps from the private plane of the Israeli industrialist Ephraim Layish (Layish donated his plane to the IDF when the war started and possibly flew it himself for the photography missions).
* Two printed paper notes with announcements from the headquarters of the Alexandroni Brigade: an order to prepare a company for a special operation commanded by "Danny K."; an urgent request for 30,000 Liras for absorbing new fighters.
* "Field Leaflet" of the third Brigade (Alexandroni) – an illustrated map of the southern front and news of the war. On its verso, a long poetic description of the battlefield (handwritten), signed "Ami Shemer".
* "Kefar Hess at War", a printed leaf with handwritten corrections – description of the battles close to the first truce.
A total of seven photographs and four printed paper items. Size and condition vary. Good overall condition.