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Lot 149

Ya'alat Chen Book of Responsum / Brit Avraham (Busharah) / Si'ach Yitzchak, Yoma

Three books printed in the 18th century:
1. Ya'alat Chen book of responsum, by Rabbi Aryeh Leib (Maharal Zuenz). Prague, 1793. First edition. (Approbations by "Nodah Be-Yehudah" Rabbi Eliezer Kalir and Rabbi Mordechai Benet).
2. Sefer Brit Avraham, homiletics by Rabbi Avraham Busharah. Livorno, 1791. Single edition (Approbation by Ha-Hidah).
3. Sefer Si'ach Yitzchak, first part, on tractate Yoma, by Rabbi Yitzchak Nunis-Weiss. Livorno, 1766. First edition printed during writer's life. (Ancient signatures and ownership inscriptions).
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