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Lot 268

Collection of German Manuscripts - Speeches at Circumcisions - Written by Rabbi Chanoch Hakohen Ehrentreu, Rabbi of Munich

Collection of manuscripts, notebooks and single pages - speeches in the handwriting of R. Chanoch Hakohen Ehrentreu, rabbi of Munich. Written in German, with Hebrew and Yiddish titles and quotes. Munich, 1888-1920.
Most of the speeches were delivered at the meal celebrating a circumcision; most labeled with the name of the circumcised child and the date. One of the speeches was given at the circumcision of his son Yonah. The title reads, "Thank G-d who has allowed me to bring my son into the covenant of Abraham; so may I merit to raise him to Torah, marriage and good deeds, Amen. Second day of Shavuot, 5656 (1896)". [R. Yonah Ehrentreu (1896-1982) succeeded his father as rabbi of Munich from 1927-1939, after which he escaped to England, where he served in the London Beit Din]. For the circumcision of his son Elchanan he wrote, "Now that I have merited to bring my son into the covenant of Avraham on Rosh Chodesh Adar 5658 (Feb. 22, 1898), so may I merit to raise him to Torah, marriage and good deeds, Amen!"
Another speech was delivered at the circumcision of the well-known mathematician Professor Avraham Halevi Frankel (1891-1966): "Said at the meal for the circumcision of the child Avraham son of R. Aviezri Frankel". One speech at the end of the notebook was never delivered: "Prepared in 5663 (1903) and never delivered…".
The speeches are written fully, not simply outlined. Some were delivered on two or three occasions "with additions and changes". To the best of our knowledge these manuscripts have never been published.
R. Chanoch Hakohen Ehrentreu (1854-1927, Otzar Harabbanim 6626) was a student of the Ktav Sofer, and served as the rabbi in Munich for over 40 years. He authored "Minchat Patim", "Kometz Hamincha" and other volumes. He was also renowned for his brilliant articles regarding the language of Chazal (the sages of the Talmud), which were published in volumes analyzing the words and language of Chazal.
[336] written pages. Size varies. Small sewn notebooks as well as loose papers. Good condition.
Several of the speeches are written on the backs of other letters and papers: a solicitation letter from "Eliezer ben Yitchak Isaac Hakohen of Kovno"; a questionnaire for the invitees of the first Kenessia Gedolah of Agudat Yisrael in Vienna, 1923; a wedding invitation from the Bondi (Mainz) and Plato (Cologne-London) families, January 1898; marriage certificate of Moshe Katz and Regina Stern; and other documents and receipts.