Lot 91
Three Documents Signed by Etzel Commander David Raziel
1. David Raziel's handwritten signature on both sides of a check drawn on "Bank Kedem for Credit Ltd. Jerusalem". The check is on the amount of three Eretz Israel Pounds and 480 mils. November 5, 1937. An additional signature by H.S. Halevi. 16X8.5 cm, good condition. Ink stamps. Yellowing paper.
2. A personal details form of David Raziel, signed by him, when he was sixteen and a half years old, [1926]. "I the undersigned…request to accept me as a member of the "World Society of Young Jews". The personal details are written in pencil. In the paragraph stating "friends that know him" Raziel mentioned the names of Shimon Meisel and M. Halevi. 22.5X19 cm. Good condition. Minor spots. Tear to lower end.
3. David Raziel's signature on a list of names written by hand. A list of names on grid paper, of people invited to a "general meeting" which was held on July 9, 1927 in the "Tourism Club" (Allenby 113). Raziel's signature appears with signatures of other people invited. 21X27 cm, fair condition. Folding marks, creases, spots and ink stains.
4-8. Five letters proving the authenticity of David Raziel's signature on the above mentioned check (see item no. 1). Letters from: Esther Raziel (David Raziel's sister), Shlomo Halevi (David Raziel's son), Mordechai Zipori (Chairman of Brit Chayalei Etzel), Yosef Achimeir (Director of Prime Minister Shamir's Office) and Menachem Begin (typewritten letter, hand signed by Raziel).
David Raziel (Vilnius 1910 – Iraq 1941), known as "Aluf Ben-Anat", was the fourth commander in chief of Etzel. Raziel immigrated to Eretz Israel with his family when he was three years of age, but because of its Russian citizenship the family was deported and wandered for eight years before returning to Eretz Israel. Raziel graduated from “Tachkemoni” evening school, where his father worked as a teacher, and continued his studies in the Merkaz HaRav Yeshivah in Jerusalem. He also studied at the Hebrew University.
The 1929 riots left a significant impression and led him to believe that in order to redeem Israel one has to struggle and fight. He joined the founders of Etzel who quit the Hagana. Raziel opposed the principle of “Havlaga” (restraint) and led his fighters to organized assaults on Arabs and British. In view of the events in Europe when WW II started, Raziel announced a remission in the negative attitudes toward the British in order to fight the Nazis.
In 1941 Raziel was sent by the British to Iraq to suppress an anti-British rebellion. He led a commando unit of four people. Raziel was killed during an attempt to occupy the town of Faluja, by a German aircraft bomb. Raziel was buried in Iraq in a British military cemetery. He was reinterred in 1955 in Mount Herzl. His memorial day was declared by Menachem Begin as a memorial day for all of Etzel victims. After his death Raziel was granted the degree of IDF Major-General. Rabbi Zvi Yehuda Kook, his friend, and later head of the Merkaz HaRav Yeshivah, addressed a eulogy and compared Raziel to King David as a person combining between spiritual delicacy and military insistence. The settlement Ramat Raziel near Jerusalem, established by retired Beitar and Etzel members, is named after him.