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Lot 386

Responsum of Rabbi Akiva Eiger – Glosses of the Ga'on of Shemlau

Responses by Rabbi Akiva Eiger, Warsaw, 1892.
Signatures, Torah novellae, references and many glosses by Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Ehrenreich, Rabbi of Chaba [and Shamlau].
In one of the notes on the page before the title-page, he writes that "on page 91 Chapter 128, it is written that the Chatam Sofer wrote one of his responses with Ru'ach Hakodesh, see inside".
Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Ehrenreich, Av Beit Din of Chaba and Shamlau (1863-1944, Otzar Ha-Rabbanim 18739) was the grandson of Rabbi Avraham Yehuda Schwartz, author of Kol Aryeh, Av Beit Din in Mad. He was a pious Kabalist, among Hungary's leading Orthodox Rabbis and halachic authorities, a close chasid of the Kedushat Yom Tov of Sighet, and a close friend and admirer of the Rebbe's son, Rabbi Yoel of Satmar. Among his books: Responsum Lehem Mishneh, Tiyul Ba-pardes, Rachmei Ha-Av and more. Rabbi Shalom Eliezer of Recpert said of him that in giving halachic responses he was unparalleled in his generation, and Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Freund of Nassaud, himself a leader of thousands of chassidim, humbled himself before him. The Darchei T'shuva called him "The Second Sha'agat Aryeh".
145 leaves, 14 pages. 31 cm. Dry paper, fair condition.