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Lot 137

Collection of Books on Silver and Gold Hallmarks

1-4. Der Goldschmiede Merkzeichen, Marc Rosenberg. Published by Frankfurter Verlags-Anstalt A.-G. Frankfurt-am-Mein 1922-1928. Four volumes. German.
Encyclopedia of European silver and gold seals. Four volumes. Very good condition.
5. Deutcher Goldschmiede - kalender geschäftshandbuch fur das Jewelier - und Goldschmiedegewerbe 1929, published by Deutschen Goldschmiede-Zeitung Wilhelm Diebener, Leipzig, [1928]. German. “Calendar for Jeweler and Goldsmith” for the years 1929-30. Includes professional articles on jewelry and goldsmith’s work, lists of silver and gold hallmarks, etc. 232 pages, 21.5 cm. Good condition. A few stains, slight damage to binding.
6. International Hallmark on Silver, collected by Tardy, Paris 1981.
Encyclopedia of European silver hallmarks arranged according to country. [8] 540, [10] pages, 16.5 cm. Good condition.