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Lot 77

Zohar Chadash, Slavita, 1793

Zohar Chadash, [Slavita, 1793].
Among first books published in Slavita printing press established by Rabbi Moshe Shapira son of Rabbi Pinchas of Korets. On title page: Printed by “exalted rabbi in Torah, righteousness and Chassidism“ Rabbi Yechezkel son of “great and famous holy rabbi” Rabbi Pinchas Shapira of Korets.
Copy missing title page and approbations: 2-123 leaves. (Originally: [1], 121 leaves, rare copies: [1], 123 leaves). 20.5 cm. Good-fair condition, slight moth damage and wear. Old semi-leather binding.
Includes both rare leaves of “commentary on words of Zohar Gadol and Zohar Chadash” which were only added to certain copies (see Bibliography Institute CD record 0131945).