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Lot 450

Moritz Loewe – Sermons – Germany, 1841-1842

Volume with collection of sermons by Rabbi Moritz Loewe:
1. Die Probe - und die Antritts-Predigt des Rabbinats-Candidaten, Dr. Moritz Loewe. Güstrow, Germany, 1841. Sermons held in synagogue on Pesach Saturday and on Saturday following Mot Kedoshim.
2. Den Eltern wohlthun der Kinder hochstes Gluck, Dr. Moritz Loewe.
Güstrow, Germany, 1842.
3. Was trostet uns beim Heimgange des guten Fursten?, Dr. Moritz Loewe. Güstrow, Germany, 1842. Eulogy on the occasion of the death of Duke Paul Friedrich, Duke of Mecklenburg.
47; 16; 16 pages, 20.5 cm. Good condition. Stains. Simple cardboard binding.