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Lot 233

Volume of Issues of HaTzvi, Edited by Eliezer Ben-Yehuda – Jerusalem, 1886-1889

Volume of issues of HaTzvi – periodical edited by Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, years 3-5. Jerusalem, 1886-1889.
HaTzvi was a Hebrew periodical published in Ottoman Jerusalem in 1884-1915, in various formats and under various names (at one point the name was changed to HaOr, due to censorship restrictions). Defined in the sub-headline as a bi-weekly on Jewish affairs in the Land of Israel, for the revival of the language, for literature and for international news. HaTzvi is renowned for its battle against the Old Yishuv and its values, and served Ben-Yehuda as a forum for disseminating the values of Zionism and the revival of the Hebrew language. Many of the periodical's contributors were maskilim of the New Yishuv.
The present volume comprises most of the issues of the 3rd, 4th and 5th years: 3rd year – issues 6-26 (without first 5 issues); 4th year – issues 1-30, 32 (without issue 31); 5th year – issues 2-24, 26-29 (without issues 1, 25). Enclosed with most issues are supplement leaves usually published with the issues (a detailed list will be sent upon request).
21-102; 120, 125-128; 5-94, 99-114 pages (additional [1] page; [46] pages; [48] pages interspersed). Altogether [407] pages. 36.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains, including dampstains. Folding marks, tears and open tears, affecting text in several places, repaired in part with tape. Leaves trimmed close to text in many places, sometimes with loss of several lines. New binding.

PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.