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Lot 448

Draft of a Proclamation Regarding Modesty of Dress - Signatures of the Rabbis of Bnei Brak - Bnei Brak, 1969

Draft of a proclamation calling to strengthen modesty of dress, signed by 8 leading rabbis of Bnei Brak. Bnei Brak, Nissan 1969.
Typewritten, with the handwritten signatures of: R. Yaakov Landau, rabbi of Bnei Brak; R. Shmuel HaLevi Wosner, rabbi of Zichron Meir; R. Avraham Tzvi Weiss, first rabbi of the Neve Achiezer neighborhood; R. Yechiel Meir Weingort, rabbi of the Gerrer Chassidim; R. Refael Baruch Toledano, rabbi of Meknes; R. Yitzchak Shlomo Ungar, dean of the Chug Chatam Sofer yeshiva; R. Avraham Shlomo Katz of Riskeva, rabbi of the Yitav Lev - Satmar community in Bnei Brak; R. David Shemesh, rabbi of the Sephardi community in Pardes Katz.
The proclamation raises awareness of the prohibition on short skirts and short sleeves which don't adequately cover the knees and elbows. It concludes with a blessing that in the merit of modesty, G-d will redeem the Jewish people speedily.
[1] leaf. Approx. 28 cm. Good condition. Stains and folding marks.
Enclosed: Handwritten draft of the proclamation, not signed.