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Manuscript Leaf – Commentary of the Gaon of Vilna on Megillat Eichah, Using the Remez Approach – Handwritten by R. Zundel of Salant

Manuscript leaf, commentary of the Gaon of Vilna on Megillat Eichah. [Lithuania? 19th century].
The commentary on Megillat Eichah in the present manuscript leaf is the Remez commentary by the Gaon of Vilna, printed in the book Barak HaShachar (Vilna, 1863). The manuscript contains several minor textual variations in comparison with the printed version. One passage which was omitted in the book Barak HaShachar and is present in this manuscript (commentary on the words "Rabbati BaGoyim") was printed in the "Errata and Omissions from the book Barak HaShachar" at the end of the book Emunah VeHashgacha published by R. Shmuel Moltzan (Königsberg 1864).
The writer of this manuscript is presumably R. Yosef Zundel of Salant (see: R. David Kaminetzky, Torat HaGra, p. 366, were the present manuscript is listed).
On the second page, the transcript is followed by a letter (in a different hand) from a son to his father: " I am sending you the Remez commentary to Megillat Eichah by the Gaon of Vilna, and you send me as well some Peshat writings on Tanach which are in your possession, since you will bring me great joy with them… please hurry to fulfill your promise of transcribing for me some of the writings in your possession, since I will get much pleasure from them. So says your son who seeks your wellbeing, Yoel Sussman son of R. Sh[?] Hillelowitz". We were unable to uncover any information about Yoel Sussman and his father, who appear to have been in possession of transcripts of the writings of the Gaon of Vilna.
At the foot of the letter, there is another brief letter in Yiddish (in a different hand), in which the writer requests of his brother to relay his letter to "R. Shlomo Erzhviliker in the Kloiz of R. Bendit Bloch".
[1] leaf (2 written pages). 21.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Worming and tears, affecting text, repaired with paper.