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Lot 106

Leaf Handwritten by Rabbi Natan of Breslov (Moharnat) – From Sefer HaChezyonot by Rabbi Chaim Vital

Leaf of Sefer HaChezyonot by R. Chaim Vital, handwritten by R. Natan Sternhartz of Breslov (Moharnat), prominent disciple of R. Nachman of Breslov.
Leaf (two pages) with a transcript from the book Sefer HaChezyonot by R. Chaim Vital, handwritten by R. Natan of Breslov. The following heading appears at the top of both pages: "Sefer HaChazon – Part II" (this was how R. Natan referred to Sefer HaChezyonot, as seen in a letter sent to his son, in which he quotes this work: "And I explicitly saw in the book of R. Chaim Vital, named Sefer HaChazon" – Alim LiTerufa, letter from Sunday eve, Vaera 1836, Jerusalem 2000 edition, p. 412).
Sefer HaChezyonot is the personal diary of R. Chaim Vital (Maharchu) – prominent disciple of the Arizal, in which he records his dreams and visions. This leaf comprises several passages: In the first passage, R. Chaim Vital relates a dream in which he saw the Temple utensils. In the next passage, he documents a dream in which he saw a 7-year-old boy who descended from Heaven on Rosh Hashanah, during the Shofar blowing in the Sephardic synagogue, and aroused the congregation to repent. In the third passage (on the second page), R. Chaim Vital recounts a dream from the night of Motza'ei Shabbat Chol HaMoed Sukkot, in which he saw his teacher, R. Moshe Alshech. In this passage, he also mentions R. Yosef ibn Tabul (another disciple of the Arizal) and R. Yom Tov Tzahalon (a Safed Torah scholar).
R. Natan Sternhartz of Nemirov (Nemyriv) – Moharnat of Breslov (1780-1844), close disciple and disseminator of the teachings of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, and his successor as leader of Breslov Chassidism. During his teacher's lifetime, he was the personification of a disciple, and just like R. Chaim Vital disseminated and revealed the teachings of the Arizal, R. Natan revealed and disseminated the teachings of R. Nachman throughout the world. He arranged and published his teacher's works (including: Likutei Moharan, Sefer HaMidot, Sipurei Maasiot, and others). Reputedly, R. Nachman once declared that if not for R. Natan, not even one leaf of his writings would have survived. R. Natan's own compositions expound upon and explain the teachings of R. Nachman. His magnum opus was Likutei Halachot – Chassidic instructions based on the teachings of R. Nachman of Breslov, following the order of topics in Shulchan Aruch. R. Natan was renowned from his youth as an exceptional Torah scholar, who worshipped G-d with complete devotion and extraordinary fervor. His prayers and holiness were legendary. His biography is recorded in detail in Chayei Moharnat and BaEsh UBaMayim – Toldot Moharnat, Jerusalem, 1996.
[1] leaf (2 written pages. Approx. 45 autograph lines). 7.5 cm. Good condition. Stains. Worming and tears, professionally restored (slightly affecting several letters). Elegant leather binding.