Auction 27 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters

Meir LaAretz, Salonika, 1747 – Signed by the Author of “Aruch LaNer”

Opening: $900
Sold for: $1,375
Including buyer's premium
Meir LaAretz, on the Torah, according to the Arizal and Rabbi Chaim Vital. By Rabbi Meir Bikiyam. Together with Divrei Shlomo by the publisher Rabbi Shlomo Adriati. Salonika, [1747].
Signed: "The small one, Yukav son of Aharon Ettlinger", author of “Aruch LaNer” and the stamp of his son Rabbi "Ben Zion son of Rabbi Ya'akov Ettlinger".
Rabbi Ya'akov Yukav Ettlinger (1798-1872, Otzar HaRabanim 9805), Chief Rabbi of Altona and its provinces and Av Beit Din of Altona, a prominent leader of German Jewry who battled the Reform movement. Author of the books: “Aruch LaNer” on Talmudic tractates, “Bikurei Ya'akov”, “Binyan Zion” responsa, "Minchat Ani" on the Torah, etc. Founder and editor of the orthodox journal “Shomer Zion HaNe'eman”. Some of the leading rabbis in Germany were his disciples, including Rabbi Shimshon Raphael Hirsch and Rabbi Azriel Hildesheimer.
[4], 86; 16 leaves. 20 cm. Fair condition, many moth pinholes, professionally restored. Elaborate leather binding.
Signatures and Dedications
Signatures and Dedications