Auction 14 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Lamentation on Death of Chatam Sofer – Ofen, 1839 – Uncut Sheets

Opening: $450
Evel Moshe, on the death of… Our Teacher, Rabbi Moshe Sofer Rabbi and Rosh Yeshiva in… Pressburg, by Rabbi Itzik (Yitzchak) Hirsh Kahn [Cohen]. Ofen, 1839. Lamentation on the death of the Chatam Sofer, 24 Hebrew poetic rhyming stanzas.
12 pages, in form of 1.5 uncut sheets, the whole sheet in folded into 2. Good condition. Stains. Creases, minor tears and dark stains on right margins
History and Jewish communities, biography and eulogies
History and Jewish communities, biography and eulogies