Auction 27 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters

Collection of Books by the Chazon Ish – First Editions

Opening: $200
Sold for: $250
Including buyer's premium
* Sefer Chazon Ish, Kuntress Shmonah Esrei Sha'ot (polemic regarding the "date line"). Jerusalem, 1943. * Chazon Ish, Keilim. Vilna, 1936. * Ohalot. Vilna, 1936. * Nega'im Para V'Hosafot Shvi'it. Jerusalem, 1938. * Taharot-Uktzin, Jerusalem 1940. * Kodshim Volume Two, and Kuntress HaShiurim. Jerusalem, 1947. [Not bound in order of the leaves]. * Kilayim Orlah. Jerusalem 1940. * Even Ha'Ezer, Ishut Yibum V'Chalitza. Jerusalem 1940. * Hilchot Ketubot V'Likutim. Jerusalem 1941.
Nine volumes, various sizes and conditions.
Books by the Chafetz Chaim and by Lithuanian Torah Leaders
Books by the Chafetz Chaim and by Lithuanian Torah Leaders