Lot 54
Birkat HaMazon, Kriyat Shema al Hamitah, with Laws, Tefillat HaDerech and Kiddush Levana – Miniature Illustrated Manuscript on Vellum, 1765
Manuscript, Seder Birkat HaMazon With all its Laws and Hanhagot Kriyat Shema Recited at Night with all its Laws. Nusach Ashkenaz. [Germany] 1765.
Miniature manuscript on vellum, bound in original handsome leather binding. Two title pages, illustrated in colored ink, one title page for Birkat HaMazon and the other for Kriyat Shema. Artistic scribal writing, the greater part has vowels and is adorned with serifs. Instructions in tiny handwriting. The year 1765 appears at the bottom of the second title page.
Seder Birkat HaMazon includes the preceding Psalms, Al Naharot Bavel and Shir HaMa'alot, the special additions for festivals and the Me'en Shalosh blessing. Seder Kriyat Shema appears in its full version including the vidui (confession), Adon Olam and Ana BeChoach.
At a later stage, four more vellum leaves were bound between Leaves 6-7 (before the second title page) written in a different handwriting [scribal writing with vowels], with Tefillat HaDerech and verses of protection and Seder Kiddush Levana.
Ownership inscription before first title page: "Seder Birkat HaMazon belongs to Aluf Rabbi David ben Aluf Natan Katz of Halberstadt". In the center of the first title page, a section was scratched out and the owner's name was written in its place.
[1], 12 leaves (Birkat HaMazon and Kriyat Shema al Hamitah) + [4] leaves (Tefillat HaDerech and Kiddush Levana). 9.5 cm. Good condition. Spotting. Faded colored ink on first title page. Original leather binding, with minor damages.